Colorado River Corridor

This Landsat image shows the great majority of the 277-mile stretch of Colorado River running through Grand Canyon. Lees Ferry and Lake Powell are off-image at the upper right. Lake Mead is just off-image to middle left. Click on areas of the map for selected highlights of the Colorado River, or click the links at right or below.
Image courtesy of the Landsat Project digital archives, part of a joint endeavor of the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA.


Explore the Colorado River Corridor

Click the links below to visit sites along the 277-mile stretch of river that carved Grand Canyon.

To read about the river’s history or the history of river running, click on the photos.

Running the River
River runners launch boats near Lees Ferry.

Photo: Paul Hirt

River History
The Little Colorado flows into the Colorado.

Photo: National Park Service