K-20 Education

Reaching out to school audiences was one of the goals of the “Nature, Culture, and History at the Grand Canyon” project. To meet this objective, Arizona State University scholars and students partnered with Arizona teachers, Navajo consultants, and the Grand Canyon Association (GCA). The team revised GCA’s existing human history elementary trunk and created a new secondary trunk for GCA’s Travelin Trunk program. In addition to the trunks, the team created additional lessons that are posted on this website. For university students, the project contributed to the development of two courses on the Grand Canyon. History 300 is an introduction to historical thinking and History 498 is a pro-seminar that requires students to research and offer their own historical interpretations.

Linda Sargent Wood would like to offer her deep appreciation to those who helped create the Travelin’ Trunks and to all who participated in and contributed to the History 300 and 498 classes. It was truly a team effort to complete this project and everyone on the team made the project all the more valuable and enjoyable! Thanks also to those working on the website for their work in making these materials available through the internet. For a list of all those who helped click here.



Travelin’ Trunks

Travelin’ Trunks and K-12 Curriculum GCA’s Travelin’ Trunks program serves to transport elementary and secondary students and teachers to one of the world’s premier learning destinations without actually leaving the classroom. Trunks contain lesson...

Elementary Lessons

The new elementary human history trunk, geared primarily for fourth graders but adaptable for a variety of grade levels, teaches students about human activities and encounters at the canyon throughout time from archaeological data...

Secondary Lessons

The Travelin’ Trunk team fashioned an entirely new trunk—a mini-archive in a box—for middleand high school classrooms on Grand Canyon’s human history, and they created additional lessons that are available below.The curriculum serves as...

University Courses

The college curriculum centers on historical inquiry and the process of “doing history.” As students study the Grand Canyon as a particular place, its people, and events through time, they also analyze primary documents,...

Photo: Yolonda Youngs

Education Links

Related Web Sites and Sources Information on Grand Canyon Grand Canyon National Park http://www.nps.gov/grca/ This is the entry portal to the park’s Web site. Grand Canyon National Park Environmental Education  http://www.nps.gov/grca/forteachers/ Includes information on...